Which therapy is right for you?

Wow! There are so many therapies out there, aren’t there? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Therapy, Gestalt….the list goes on and on. In the century or so since Sigmund Freud developed his “talk cure,” we’ve seen an explosion of choices, depending on what ails you.

I work with trauma, and in particular, with developmental trauma, aka CPTSD, aka I-had-a-lousy-family-growing-up. For over twenty years, I’ve trained in and tried dozens of therapies that promise results: less anxiety and depression, better relationships, more meaningful work, richer life.

Here’s what I’ve found that works for most of my clients. You may get a sense that these would not work for you. I respect that.

Somatic work, including bodywork and the judicious use of touch. I’ve found that this speaks to the nervous system, to help regulate, in a way that talking cannot reach.

Parts work, including Voice Dialogue. When we are raised in a dysfunctional family, we do not get a clear sense of who we are, much less our strengths and our needs. Parts work allows us to come together, to find integration, and to feel less divided, confused and conflicted about who we are, and the world in which we live.

Eye Movement Dissociation and Reprocessing. This is a great tool as part of an overall somatic treatment protocol. I do not support its use as a stand-alone, unless you have no other trauma in your background.

Attachment work, including AEDP, because we live in a society that does not teach deep connection.

And finally, my newest addition, medicinal work, namely the use of Ketamine and Cannabis to support our own innate ability to heal. Again, I do not apply these as stand-alones, but as an important part of somatic healing.