Can Money Be Addictive, and If So, Is That a Bad Thing?

Can money be addictive, and if so, is that really a bad thing? One might say that, like people who compulsively exercise, addiction to money has significant practical benefits. Keeping one’s focus on the bottom line and delaying gratification in order to create a more secure future is terrific…in balance. But are we always talking… Continue Reading Can Money Be Addictive, and If So, Is That a Bad Thing?

“A Little Compassion Here”: Addiction as Illness

I was going to write about relationships this month, about the value of connection, with family, friends, lovers, and ultimately the world. It’s a subject that I cherish, and work with on a daily basis. And I will get to that… but first, I must address a subject that has come up recently in the… Continue Reading “A Little Compassion Here”: Addiction as Illness